Saturday 19 March 2011

The ramblings of a mad woman...maybe...

As I find myself feeling rather distressed by the current state of the six nations game between Ireland and England I thought I would distract myself by thinking and writing.

The new job starts on Monday and I am feeling fairly indifferent.  Not nervous, not excited, just blank.  I suspect this is not a good thing.

Typically in such situations I would go shopping, ideally at the moment for some lovely plants for the garden, but I sadly it is now one week before pay day in a month when I had to pay my road tax so shopping is right off the agenda.

Instead I went theoretical bike shopping.  When I am paid my bonus (on Friday lets hope!) I will be spending some of it on the deposit for a beautiful bright red pashley bicycle.  Now this is something I can get excited about  ... it has a basket at the front and everything!

Today I find myself exhausted by life.  Tomorrow I am determined to find myself passionate, enthused and ready to make changes... watch this space.

Monday 14 March 2011


... I never was one for diaries - I used to begin a diary at least 4 times a year when I was younger and then give up after about 2 days, returning a few months or years later and cringing in embarrassment.  It would seem that a blog is merely the latest reincarnation of a diary - except prettier and hopefully less embarrassing!

So, in an attempt to restart my future I will begin with cheery thoughts - 3 good things that happened today...

1 ***   I had three nightmares and survived them all!
2 ***   I am learning to control my custard cream obsession - only 4 today
3 ***   For the second day this year I walked to work without needing a coat - truly a happy and momentous occasion.

May your tomorrow be filled with sunshine and lovely thoughts or brighter days and good times with great friends.